Monday, December 15, 2008

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum!

We recently put up our Christmas tree. Since Christmas is basically a date night in Japan, it's hard to come by a Christmas tree, let alone a real one. Santa delivered ours from a department store similar to Target.

Aaron and the kids had a great time. I was mostly on photography & dinner duty. Rhett, being two, loved the novelty of it all. He does seem to grasp the concept of Santa and he frequently says "Ho-Ho-Ho" whenever he sees a Santa sign or hat.

Mia's favorite part is always putting the star on top of the tree.

Here's the gang--and no, Aaron is not chewing on the star, it just looks like it. A good time had by all.

Merry Christmas to you!

1 comment:

Brian said...

We put up our tree yesterday too! I love that we're having parallel lives, thousands of miles apart. Oh, and two 40something (!!) husbands!!!